Sunday, November 05, 2006

Digger The Dog

So, I realized that not everyone would know why my site is named "Digger The Dog". Well when I was in high school I bought (let's call it a Joint Venture between myself, my brother and my friend Dave Torgerson-- later other of my family members got in on the buy too) a 1975 Jeep CJ5 and painted on the back of it was a " dog", I think it looked more like an ugly rat, and it said "Digger The Dog". So that is the history of that.... I'll have to get a picture of good old Digger The Dog and post it on this site.

2 posts in one day. I better pace myself or I might get burned out. : ) Actually I have one more to go yet today.


Anonymous said...

Mike, you should have called your blog "digger the blog".

The Blog said...

I have to leave a comment, when my husband saw the name of your blog he said Digger the Dog, that's what you call all mud digging 4X4's and I said..... that is true and it is because my cousin Mike had one called "DIGGER THE DOG!!!" I have found memories of that beast parked in the Liechty drive way!


Mike said...

I'm terrible about keeping up on this site. I took a picture of the old beast when we were out there last. I'll post it.

Kathy, the funny thing is... the "beast" is still sitting in my parents driveway. Need to move it....?