Sunday, November 05, 2006

Luke and Google Earth

This is really the first time Luke has been interested in using the mouse. He would make the earth spin around and around. It is pretty cool, b/c he would just start putting the mouse over different buttons in the software and start clicking. He figured out pretty quick how to make the earth zoom in and out. I'm a little worried b/c he has figured out how to open documents that are on the desktop--I'm not sure we need too much help modifying any of our documents. : )

Rachel and Luke got out some dominoes that Great Grandpa and Grandma Newman gave us. They had great fun with those. It reminded me about a cool Honda Accord commercial that I had seen using the "dominoes effect". Luke watched it like 20 times. Atta boy!


Samantha said...

I had no idea you had this blog! I'm glad I found out. Cool Germany pictures, I want to go there! And it looks like Luke is going to reak (wreak? reeeek?) havoc with his conputer skills.

Anonymous said...

That Honda commercial is simply stunning!

kelsey said...

Posting once a year. Not bad.

Bill and I were wondering what kind of computer whiz Will will be, because he spends a lot of time on our laps while we're computing away. He'll have lots of exposure, as do many kids these days I guess.